FAQ: Why Can't I click Complete on a Task?
Answer: There are several things that may prevent you from clicking Complete on a task. The first five are the most common reasons that you are unable to complete a task are:
1. There may be required fields that have not been completed or validations that are unmet. Please check that all required fields are filled in--they will be outlined in red-- and that all validations are met--such as start dates being before end dates, etc.
2. Are there open To-Dos on the task? A task may only be completed once all To-Dos have been marked as complete.
3. There is an incomplete Approval on your task. Approvals must be assigned to a user and marked approved before the task owner can complete a task. If the approval is rejected, you will not be able to complete the task.
4. The task may be assigned to you, but the workflow has not yet entered the stage where that task is active.
5. There may be a Network Patch blocking task completion. This is generally a firewall put in place by an organization's IT team to protect your company network. We use several domains in the Winmore application. Please ask your IT team to check that they are whitelisted to allow Winmore to work properly. A listing of those domains can be found here.
Still having issues? Does your workflow have "Workflow Planning" enabled, in which the dates are automatically set based on a configured template? If so, there may be an issue with dates conflicting. See below for other possible solutions:
6. Ensure that your Planned start date is before any of your due dates. It can also help to turn off Automatic Re-planning in the Ellipses > Planning Options menu of the workflow. There again may be a conflict when the template re-plans based on your new date.
7. Is the due date missing from the task that you're trying to complete? This can happen when a task is added to a workflow template AFTER your specific project has been launched. The task appears in your workflow but is not configured with a date. If this is the case, add a due date and you will then be able to complete the task.
If you're still unsure, please reach out to us at support@winmore.app with the Record Name, Task Name, URL and steps you are taking before trying to click complete.
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