For customers who have the Datamart option, we are pleased to announce a number of improvements to the information we provide in Datamart. These are either available now, or will be available in the coming few weeks.
Using the new information in conjunction with existing information in the Winmore Datamart, it is now possible to create dashboards and reports that look at all the work items (Tasks, Approvals, To-Dos) in Winmore. For example:
- Obtain a complete picture of all items that are assigned to a particular user
- Analytics on overall status and progress of work items
- Exception reporting to show all work items that are past Due Date
- Exception reporting to show all items that are not Approved
The enhancements are:
User Information
The users.v1 Table has been enhanced with new columns to provide more information about the user:
- name - concatenation of First and Last name for convenience
- email - user email address
- created_at - timestamp that indicated when the user id was created
A new group_list.v1 table has been added that allows you to report on user group membership:
- group_name - name of group
- group_id - Winmore id for the group
- user_id - Winmore id of user that is member of group (can be used to JOIN to users.v1)
- first_name - user first name
- last_name - user last name
Approval Information
A new workflow_task_approvals_history.v1 table has been added to provide access to Task Approvals for reporting purposes. This table includes the current and historical status of Approvals associated with each Task in a Workflow.
Each row represents the progression of an Approval from Open to Submitted to Approved/Rejected.
Columns are:
- record_type - api name of the Record Template the Approval is associated with
- workflow_api_name - api name of the Workflow the Approval is associated with
- record_id - specific record that the Approval is associated with
- task_id - specific Task that the Approval is associated with
- approver_id - Winmore user id of the Approver
- approval_status - status of the Approval
- owner_id - Winmore user id of the Task owner
- timestamp - timestamp that the status was updated
- To obtain the current status for an Approval, look at the most recent timestamp associated with a particular record_id / task_id combination.
- Record name, Task name, Workflow name etc. can all be found by JOINing to existing Datamart tables.
To-Do Information
A new action_items.v1 table has been added to provide access to To-Dos for reporting purposes. This contains the primary information about the To-Do.
Columns are:
- id - To-Do id
- subject - text description of the To-Do
- status - status of the To-Do
- due_date - Due Date if one is set (or Null if no Due Date set)
- owner_id - WInmore user id of the To-Do owner
- created_at - timestamp showing when To-Do was created
- completed_at - timestamp showing when To-Do was completed (if completed)
- completed_by - WInmore user id of the user who completed the To-Do (if completed)
Sharer information for the To-Do is available in the new action_item_sharers.v1 Table. There may be multiple rows for each To-Do (one for each Sharer). Columns are:
- action_item_id - id of the To-Do
- user_id - Winmore user id of the user who the To-Do is shared with
- type - “list” = users added via the Sharer List; “subject” = users added via @mention in subject
- created_by - Winmore user id of the user who added the Share
- created_at - timestamp when the Share was added
Associated "attachments" (records, Tasks) for the To-Do are available in in the new action_item_parents.v1 Table. There may be multiple rows for each To-Do (one for each attachment). Columns are:
- action_item_id - id of the To-Do
- parent - JSON object that defines the parent record/Task etc.
- created_by - Winmore user id of the user who added the attachment
- created_at - timestamp for when the attachment was added
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